02 December 2010

Quit Smoking 2 : Benefits of Quitting Smoking

| 02 December 2010 | 0 Comments

Benefits of Quitting Smoking
We are going to furnish some instant benefit of quitting smoking which have been found over years and these data are furnished based on research on people who have quit smoking
  • The Heart Rate drops just after 20 minutes of quitting smoking
  • The level of carbon monoxide comes back to normal level after 12 hours of quitting smoking
  • The Blood circulation improves and the lung function shows a significant improvement after 2 to 3 weeks of quitting smoking
  • Mostly Smoking gives birth to diseases like coughing which is fuelled by smoking. Severity of Bronchitis enhances due to smoking. Asthma is another disease, which is highly affected by smoking. Even the breathing of a normal person has been observed to be shortened as a result of continuous smoking. It has been observed that it takes 1 to 9 months after quitting smoking to remove these physical disorders. But a significant improvement can be visible.
(All these data has been collected from the website of American Cancer Society)

Withdrawal Symptoms
Smoking means Nicotine which is highly inductive to the body as well mind just like heroin or cocaine. Nicotine does not only pollute the physical parts of the body but it affects it psychologically as well. So, the mere thought of quitting smoking adversely affects your mind. So one will definitely feel desperate to continue it rather than quit. The unwanted and unavoidable pressure from friends and colleagues can also not be denied. You make yourself aware of your future if and only if you are determined enough to control yourself from being lured into such a close association. So, we suggest, first of all you need to be convinced of the reasons for quitting smoking. We must say that the decision to quit as well as sticking to it demands devotion.

The symptoms
  • You may feel dizziness for first few days. You will also feel awkward tiredness. This is due to the lack of the particular intake of tobacco at a very specific time of the day.
  • Mental Depression - as Nicotine has got a charming effect in boosting you up
  • Impatience and Anger - The effect of Nicotine is NOT limited to the lungs only, it casts its spread over the blood vessels, brain, hormonal system and your metabolism. So the effect of withdrawal may cause a disharmony in your entire physical system, which puts an extra pressure on your mind in this competitive world where stress, strain and stress have become your all time companions.
  • Sleeping & Focusing - This is the reaction to certain disorders of your hormonal system. As your mind needs to be at its tune for a proper sleep as well as focusing in any job which demands your 100% worth, you feel the loss of harmony
  • Appetite and Digestion - The physicians have experienced paradoxical results as a change in appetite and digestion after quit smoking. In some cases, the mental tension due to non-smoking of a cigarette has found to cause indigestion. In some other cases, the withdrawal of Nicotine has shown a direct impact on metabolism resulting in an additional appetite for the individual.
The Royal College of Physicians (http://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/) in their book, Nicotine Addiction in Britain, strictly denies the psychological effect of Nicotine in human beings. They say, “Demonstration of nicotine addiction and evidence of putative underlying neurobiological mechanisms in animals do not establish conclusively that nicotine has psychological effects in man. Furthermore, much of the evidence on the psychological effects of nicotine in man is derived from studies of smokers, and the question therefore arises as to how much any psychological effect of smoking is in fact attributable to nicotine”.

How to Stay Quit After Quitting
An indomitable passion has let you to take the first step towards quitting. You are one of the luckiest people in the world, who have been able to swim against the current. You have shown a strong determination in yourself among your family and the friend circle, and have become different from the rest of the crowd. When you have been able to take the most important call in your life, is there any way, by which you want to loose that position? Is anything ever comparable to your mental strength? Would you even try to make yourself a laughing stock in front of your near and dear ones? What impression do you carry on to your kids? You suffer from indecision and forgetfulness. Or you may even prove that smoking is so invaluable that nobody can quit. Remember your spouse and children always look up at you. Finally, if you want to undertake these risks of loosing your position in the family as well as society, we have nothing at all to say. However if you want to stick to the most admirable decision of staying put we can help you to the best of our extent and this chapter will aid you immensely in getting to your cherished yet unorthodox goal.

As your body and mind have been under the spell of Nicotine due to smoking you may be again lured by people and events. However one needs to control these unwanted desires of the mind with an iron hand because one more puff even after years can send you tumbling back to the stage from where you began.

The most important lacuna in today's world is awareness. People are NOT aware about the feelings of their partners during a sexual relationship. Adolescents are NOT aware of the recuperation of watching blue films on their minds. The tracking team is NOT aware about the risks and dangers of an unknown place in an unforeseen environment. The young generation is NOT aware of the scars drug addiction leaves on their mind and bodies. Perhaps you were NOT aware of the effect of smoking when you had taken the first puff. Now you have realized by paying through nose just how harmful smoking is.

As you have already shown the first step towards maturity by quitting, now you must be aware of the probable events that trigger you towards a relapse. We may have come up with some generic prevailing concepts or triggering events. A smoking-prone mind becomes more active, when it watches the people around smoking. So, start avoiding the smoking zones. Thanks to the government for directing organizations to keep a separate smoking zone. Start visiting non-smoking restaurants. Drinking supplements smoking – a common smoker's notion, hence you need to chuck off both from your routine agenda for some time till your body, and mind begins to reap the rewards of non-smoking. The fun is to light a cigarette one needs to use both of his hands specially trained people require only one hand. Why don’t you make your hands busy by holding a rubber and a pencil? Smoking is a highly catchy habit. So, stay away from smoking circles and friends requesting them not to smoke in front of you. There are some prime times for smoking, like after tea or lunch when you are most vulnerable to provocation. Why don’t you try out techniques to deviate yourself at these points of time in the best of your interest. You may also schedule your work so that you have your hands full after lunch. One can try out toffees or ‘churans’ in order to keep occupied.

A lot of dummy cigarettes like Yixing No Smoking Herbal "Cigarettes" have been formulated, which are supposed to be less harmful than a general cigarette and also gives you the aroma of a genuine cigarette. People recommend these at these stages when one has quit smoking. We have never tried to find out about the authenticity of its chemical components or the impact it has on smokers, hence we don’t recommend them. The logic being simple, when you start on this one, the number could again be at 20 in a span of 5 to 7 years. It’s like going around in circles only having falsely convinced our minds that we are onto a less harmful addiction. To us A cigarette is A cigarette and even addiction to anything even resembling a cigarette should be strictly forbidden, as our weak mind will again try to look for solace and provide justifications as we succumb to another form of addiction.

You must know that provocations will come and go but stepping into the cravings may raise a fundamental question in you - whether you are a confident person or not.

As nicotine gives you the mental boost, it gradually erodes your level of confidence too. Once you take a decision to quit your confidence level gets a jolt. Often some people succeed in convincing you by telling their own stories, which prompt one to restart smoking after having quit once. The solace is perhaps that they have started taking puffs from cigarettes with larger filters as advised by some quack advisor as larger filtered cigarettes are wrongly considered less harmful. We feel consumption of cigarettes irrespective of their filter size or number means continuing with the smoking addiction.

There are several treatment procedures for quitting. One of the most natural healing systems is the acupuncture method. It affects your taste buds in such a way that it generates an anti-feeling to smoking. The taste worsens when you give it the first puff after having taken to acupuncture therapy. We hardly recommend you to a doctor for any kind of therapy to ease your life rather we insist you to tread the harder way, through your own determination. We guarantee an endless confidence level, if you can pass a few days after having quit without having undergone any medication or treatment. You can prove to yourself that you are in control of your surroundings and passion. As this is a very generic advice this will vary from individual to individual depending upon your mental ability. We also tell you to study your self and decide whether you require any external therapy without ignoring to what one’s inner voice has to say.

Even there are medical units like Holistic Healthcare Online, who take care of post quitting effects through alternate medicine methodology. Even you may look for hypnotherapy and Penn therapy to withstand the post quitting effects.

So the challenge becomes more mental. Weak minded people may start thinking that they have become useless and everything around them has turned dull. Even their desperation may make them feel let down. So, it’s rather a punishment to take the decision to quit smoking. ‘So, why to stick to it?’, a question that can occur to one and all. ‘Rather, let me not become the butt of laughter and start swimming with the flow again’, another perception that takes you right back. You may also have a feeling like, “just one cigarette, what’s the harm?” But please remember a decision is much more difficult than justifying at a later point. So, why to go back when one has once crossed the most crucial step of abiding by a bold decision. The long term effect of Nicotine may affect your energy level a wee bit, but one has been saved from a lot of near fatal diseases. Have you ever considered that dizziness is an after for a very short term. So why don’t you tell yourself, that you have been able to win the battle against dreaded nicotine, which most other people loose? Don’t you find yourself at a different psychological level? Think positive and be positive.

One way to think positive is to calculate the monetary gain. Start calculating, how much have you saved today? Is it $2, then what the figure looks like after 5 days? So, you are saving a lot for your family or kids or at least for your life style. At least you are not burning dollars; rather you are using it for your amusement. So, tell yourself, keep it up! After one year we will have another pleasant tour! $770 is not a joke!

Therapies after QuittingWe firmly believe that self confidence is the key treatment in your battle against quitting smoking. We are here looking at a mass having a lower confidence level and therefore need external therapy for quitting, both before and after. We believe that you must focus to increase your level of motivation.

It is one of the oldest treatment methods found in earlier civilizations. It was mostly in China, Tibet and India where people used to focus on healing based on internal energy levels. External energy in the form of cosmic rays used to be infused into individuals to overcome physical illness. Hypnosis has been a prevailing treatment for most addictions which people have inculcated for long. It not only removes the indispensability of the addiction but also helps out to lessen the mental agony. A Hypnosis therapy first evaluates your level of susceptibility and accordingly determines the level of treatment required. It has got ways like focusing on moving objects, listening to a deep voice, or even lightening effects. This therapy has become popular even in the western countries today.
It is one of the most profound methodologies in alternative medicine today which have been used by ancient civilizations in China or India. Today the authenticity of meditation is revealed even in the US & UK where meditation has been found to be the most successful technique in stress related issues. Meditation has been used by ancient gurus as a tool to form a link with God. Today, it is used to relax you from external agony as well as to increase your focus and level of concentration. Smoking makes you more susceptible to emotion due to the lasting effects of nicotine which only triggers the central nervous system. Scientific research recommends meditation for the busiest professionals.

The medical research team has proved Meditation is one of the best methodologies to increase the level of motivation, self-confidence and will power – the three primary forces, which can fight in favor of one’s decision to quit Smoking.

  • Massachusetts General Hospital study reveals the effect of counseling for smokers. They demand that “hospitalized smokers given stop-smoking counseling help them stay off cigarettes after they return home” (http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/). The experiment was done on 650 adult smokers.
  • American Cancer Society ensures the availability of help for the people, who want to quit smoking permanently. The counseling session is mainly based on the psychological part of the addiction. Even one may opt for the telephonic counseling.
  • Clinicaltrials.gov (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/)  publishes the authenticity of their “Motivational Counseling in Preventing Smoking Relapse After Pregnancy in Pregnant Women Who Quits Smoking During Pregnancy” 
  • The American Journal of Medicine (http://www.amjmed.org/) publishes “Effectiveness at the Birmingham VA Medical Center, Birmingham, Alabama”, where the team had analyzed over 16,000 records of smokers. They found a tangible amount had shown positive effect on the people after discharge, who had been admitted to the hospital due to heart attack.
What you need to do, is to find out the right counselor in the vicinity, so that you can arrange a few sittings with him.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy
If you look at the most harmful component in the cigarette, it is unhesitatingly nicotine. Nicotine actually creates a lot of physical dependence, which has been found to lead one to various unpleasant symptoms when a person has tried to quit or even after the quitting stage. “Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) provides nicotine – in the form of gums, patches, sprays and inhalers – without the other harmful side effects of tobacco”. This may be noted that it is not a complete eradication, rather compromises a level of harmfulness. It actually helps in relieving some of these symptoms to give a breathing space to that person, so that he can leave the physical aspect to some extent and focus more on the psychological aspects of quitting.

Gradually many alternatives are coming up. Nicotine nasal spray, inhaler (Zyban) and nicotine-free tablet (Chantix) are also available today. How do they work? They try to formulate nicotine in the body at a slower rate. Like the nicotine patch arranges to release nicotine in the body at a very specific rate. The key difference is that nicotine in cigarettes intrudes the lungs and blood instantly while the patch takes a couple of hours. So, in reality the consumption becomes less and the body reacts to a slower effect, rather than sudden withdrawal.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic quit smoking products contain compounds that become highly useful at the stage after having quit. We will definitely advise you to visit a doctor before choosing any such product because the proportion may cause toxic effect to some people. Boiron Quit Smoking Care Kit and Nico-Free are two such homeopathic products available in the market. A very generic suggestion is to increase your water intake and regularize your meal habits at the time of using such products.

Article 1, Article 3, Article 4


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