02 December 2010

Quit Smoking 1 : Kick That Habit – Quit Smoking

| 02 December 2010 | 0 Comments

This is Article Series about Quit smoking. I hope if u'r smoker, U can Quit rapidly
We’re Creatures of Habit
Form good habits…be a good person” is the universal motherly advice every one of us can recall when we scratch the realm of our memories. Tiny tots and youngsters are forever bound, protected and guided by their seniors and elderly in order to help them on to tread the path laid on time tested principles of honesty and good behavior. Yet sometimes unknowingly they take the forbidden route just to prove things for the heck of it.

Due to the extreme stress, strain and stretch of the competitive world around any person today is more susceptible to succumb to pressure and buckle under it. Here’s where the need for addiction in any form arises which however provides only temporary solace rather than erasing the real cause. We sometimes latch on to it and slowly get further and further suck into its false whirlpool leading us to lose our will power.

An addiction simply adheres itself to our self-belief eroding it gradually by digging into it. We just remain a shade of our previous selves hereby taking a short cut to a track that leads us to more acute physical and mental problems. Any addiction can be overcome, any bad patch overridden if only we could endure it by facing it head-on keeping the following lines from Kipling in mind –

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run
Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it
And – which is more – you’ll be a MAN!
The Ugly Truth
  • Tobacco usage causes more than 430,000 adult deaths per year in the United States.
  • Around 5 million under 18 years will die prematurely from smoking-related diseases.
  • More than 4,000 chemicals have been identified in tobacco smoke of which at least 43 cause cancer in humans and animals
  • Exposure to passive smoking, 3,000 nonsmokers die of lung cancer every year.
  • 150,000 to 300,000 infants and children less than 18 months experience lower respiratory tract infections. Asthma and other respiratory conditions often are triggered or worsened by tobacco smoke.
  • Smoking among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders varies between 18% to 40% (including 9% to 13% females)
  • Tobacco use is linked with numerous adverse health outcomes, disability, and death across a spectrum, including heart disease, cancer, and chronic lung disease.

Is it Worth Smoking?
10 Reasons for Picking the Habit Up
  1. A sudden rise of energy level to combat stress, stretch and strain of our daily schedule
  2. A concentration pill
  3. To overcome frustration due to the indomitable desire of achieving the very best even beyond our limits
  4. To bridge the gap between our desired aspirations and hard core reality
  5. Already Addicted and finds no valid reason to quit
  6. A style in the society
  7. The additional energy level for repeated sexual interaction in a row
  8. To avoid boredom
  9. Its a tradition and doctor's advise is a foolish notion
  10. Just to enjoy
The smokers treat all the above as valid points and the non-smokers feel these to be
Smoking Ain’t Cool
The following factors induct the youth into tobacco usage in which nicotine is found which results in addiction. These are responsible for initiation of the adolescent amongst whom 76% of the daily smokers believe that in 5 years they would not be smoking. However the trend shows that 5 to 6 years later 73 percent of these persons continue to smoke having built up yet another make believe resolution to quit smoking in another 5 years when life would cool down a bit. 46 percent of the daily smokers however do succeed in having stopped smoking for at least some periods during the first 5-year phase. Yet remarkable there is a less than 3 percent population though insignificant who stop smoking permanently. Tragically this habit that starts as a style spreads its roots from an age when most people just begin to give shape to their dreams, ambitions and careers. This ‘style becomes killer’ tip toeing on the sands of time snuffing out lives leaving behind in its trail more than 5 million years of potential life lost every year the world over.
  • Socio demographic factors like coming from a family with low socioeconomic status.
  • Environmental factors include easy accessibility and availability of tobacco products, cigarette advertising and promotion by legends and stars and the widespread affordability of tobacco due to its low price.
  • Personal factors include borrowed perceptions from peers and siblings that ‘tobacco use is normal’ and lack of parental involvement.
  • Low self-esteem and the lack of ability to refuse offers to use tobacco further fuels the wrong notion that tobacco use benefits.
Facts About Tobacco in America
  1. Men are more susceptible to smoking than women.
  2. American Indians or Alaska Natives are more likely to smoke than other ethnic groups.
  3. Hispanics and Asians or Pacific Islanders are more prone than the rest.
  4. Highest smoking levels are found amongst the Vietnamese and Korean Asian Americans
  5. Gay men and lesbians smoke more frequently than heterosexuals.
  6. While individuals with 16 or more years of education or in middle or high income groups have the lowest smoking rates
Smoke and Pay the Consequences
  • Smoke from ALL CIGARETTES damage the human body, as any amount of it is injurious to health. Surprisingly cigarettes are perhaps the only advertised products whose consumption causes CANCER.
  • It is a completely wrong notion that smoking fewer filtered cigarettes has no negative impact whatsoever. Even a habit of 1 to 4 cigarettes a day has serious consequences making an individual more prone, with a high chance of dying at an earlier age.
  • It is hardly relevant whether one puffs a high-tar, low-tar or high-nicotine, low-nicotine brand, as the risks remain same. Moreover under the belief of the alternates being safer one ends up smoking more number of cigarettes than the usual. The harm caused remains same as the individual often ends up taking deeper puffs more frequently to a shorter butt length. Hence the dose of the intoxicating nicotine that is the addictive drug remains unchanged. Studies confirm that chances of lung cancer are in no way lower in low-tar or low-nicotine smokers. Nicotine taken in small amounts attacks the brain and central nervous system giving rise to pleasant sensations affecting the mood of the smoker and enhancing his nature of wanting to smoke more. Thus an individual becomes absolutely dependent resulting in physical withdrawal symptoms when he tries to overcome his near fatal injurious to health habit. Whenever an individual looses his calm, relaxed self artificially attained through smoking he feels nervous and restless, the direct output of non-smoking.
How to Quit Smoking
The big billboard of Los Angeles displays to the passers by the casualty caused due to smoking has not drawn your attention then perhaps you have been influenced by some very sensational relationship or your house physician or may be even some ghastly advertisement has triggered you of to quit smoking. Experts find some sudden incidental outcome or emotional outburst to be the key-triggering event for quitting smoking.

The smokerfree.gov (http://www.smokefree.gov/guide/basic_steps.html) has nicely translated the steps for Quit Smoking as START

S = Set a quit date.
T = Tell family, friends, and co-workers that you plan to quit.
A = Anticipate and plan for the challenges you'll face while quitting.
R = Remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car, and work.
T = Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit.

Now let us define the steps in our own way.
First of all, you must be aware of the triggering event of your life, which has propelled you to take a decision to quit smoking. You must be sensitive to this as this will change your life in the long run like being reborn yet again. What we suggest you only announce your plan to a specific near or dear person. Again we suggest that there is no alternative to a sudden outburst. So, may be due to a very close and emotional ambience you have decided to throw the cigarette from the grip of the fingers, may be half finished or may be the after the last puff. Please for God's sake, don’t worry about wasting the rest of the packet. The money you are loosing for the leftover cigarette is really negligible to the amount you are going to save in the forthcoming days because of your revolutionary decision.

The coolest way of taking a decision and announcing it to public involves the risk of postponing the date even for trifle incidents. Remember there are many people who will advise you NOT to leave smoking, might be because of jealousy or even for fear of isolation due to loosing a smoking partner. The only positive side of such an announcement is that it may build up an additional pressure on you for keeping up commitments. In an ambience, where the majority are smokers, who will remind you about your commitments - and your chance of being ashamed due to the failure of commitment goes mostly unnoticed. So, we advise you to take random decisions.

The online edition of BBC News reports that “researchers at University College London interviewed more than 1,900 smokers and ex-smokers about their attempts to quit and found that two-thirds of smokers who stopped suddenly succeeded for at least six months, compared to under half of those who planned it in detail.” (http://www.medindia.net/)

Another very important issue is the solace that the smoker derives from the people at large. They become more interested to justify, why they had started smoking, as if this is the key answer to the burning question of why they are continuing to smoke. Here we want to state very clearly that smoking is a bad habit and at times one smokes just for the sake of the habit even without enjoying it. We have even encountered people, who had come up with very generic replies like “Just like that” to the daunting question “why do you smoke”?

However you may have thrown the unfinished cigarette or the half-filled packet in a most romantic manner. What happens after that? Your companion for so long named nicotine will never leave you so easily, because Nicotine spreads its cast on the central nervous system upsetting the entire body system. You will undergo psychological effects becoming restless to get back at it again. If you go to a doctor or to a counselor immediately after quitting smoking, he will not only help you, but also guide you for the future course of action as well as apply the right medicine, if required. If you can pass a couple of hours without being lured to the cigarette corner shop, we feel, you have won the game. Why don’t you attempt to visit a recreation hall or a movie while your immediate resolution bears fruit? You may also like to go to a non-smoking restaurant with your dear one to pass some time. Once the evening comes, you go back home without buying a cigarette and try to take control over your restless mindset, rather jump onto the bed. Please try to avoid roaming around in the balcony, where even yesterday you had been with a cigarette.

Some people have got the habit of keeping a good stock of cigarette even at home or office, thinking of rainy days! If you fall in the group of such pragmatic people, please do NOT forget to throw away all the stock to the dustbin immediately after entering into your bedroom. Get convinced that creating a stock tomorrow again will hardly take any time, but let me give it a try at least till tomorrow morning!

It has been noticed that smokers love to see the smoke better than the flame. "They will not smoke inside a completely dark room because they just want to see the rings of smoke going up." As per Vasudevan Nampoothiri, Vice-Principal of the Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram, reported on The Hindu on May 31, 2004. You need to decide, which one you like, the flame or the fumes. If the cigarette burns, you only can see the rings of the smoke, but if the flame burns in your inner world, then everybody can watch the rings, because the stored energy will come out and is sure to be reflected around you.

Let the morning bring fresh air in your life, and you find your new life with the sunshine at dawn. We guarantee the dizzy feeling will go away and you will get the inspiration from the Sun, who ultimately energizes your body and mind. Take a deep breathe. Remember the morning Sun is treated as an amazing system of cure in energy therapy like Ayurveda, Qigong etc. Heliotherapy and Chromopathy are the two very prevailing curing system in Rome, which has witnessed one of the oldest civilization when most of the top notch countries of today’s world were in their infancies. Taste the natural energy level, may be even after 20 long years! Wish you all the best!

Health Risks From Smoking
Adam and Eve had taken the risk of eating the forbidden fruit despite the caution from God. Today the society has left to stone unturned to bring the black side of smoking to the notice of the public. But still people continue to smoke and some even find romanticism behind the skull and Red Cross symbol or the pictures depicting blackened lungs in doctor’s chambers. So, the tradition continues.

Let us see, what a cigarette contains inside the white wrapper.

Tobacco, being the principle component contains Nicotine that hits the brain. It has got 43 carcinogenic substances and more than 4000 chemical substances, out of which some are toxic enough to generate the charming effects in the human body. It contains 400 other direct toxins, which are found in commonly used wood varnish and rat poison.

So, just imagine the combined effect!
  • Cigarette is the root cause of the most dreaded scourge of the century, Lung cancer. The research and Study reveals that about 90% lung cancers are triggered of by smoking. As cigarette affects the central nervous system, so it spells its cast to give birth to cancer in various organs of the body like mouth and lips, pancreas, kidney, stomach, urinary bladder, larynx, nose, throat and the esophagus.
  • Leukemia has been found to be caused by smoking
  • Coughing and sneezing take a turn for the worst due to smoking.
  • Smoking has found to trigger off Emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
  • Asthma & Short breath are enhanced by smoking. Children are very susceptible to Pneumonia when subjected to passive smoke.
  • Mothers smoking cigarettes during their pregnancy risk chances of miscarriage and even delivering premature babies. It has been studied that smoking during pregnancy results in lesser birth weight for the babies.
  • Smoking has been observed to affect fertility in humans.
  • Vision is affected by Smoking
  • Smoking leads to strokes and coronary heart diseases like Heart Attacks.
  • “Long-term tobacco use can dull a person's thinking ability and bring down IQ, according to a new study conducted by a research team at the University of Michigan” (http://health.indiatimes.com/)
  • Smoking forms ulcers in several parts of the body, the most common one being peptic ulcer.
  • Smoking causes burning throats and acidity as it affects the entire metabolic cycle. People after having quit smoking have observed a renewed appetite than their previous stage of smoking.
  • Smoking may cause the development of large vessel peripheral vascular diseases and inflammation of veins.
  • When a woman smokes she becomes more susceptible to breast cancer.
  • Smoking can lead to Tuberculosis.
  • Several skin diseases are generated due to smoking.
  • People smoking for longer periods, can gather diseases like Heartburn, High Blood Pressure and Insomnia.
CBN.com (http://www.cbn.com/) reports, “Long before Christopher Columbus first set foot in the New World where the Indians there were growing and smoking tobacco”. This conform the habit of smoking even before the dawn of some civilizations. People may have been aware of its pros and cons much later. The science and research has opened the opposite side of the coin in the recent past. The public houses, media and mass communication have been fulfilling their obligations. We don’t expect some radical change in such a long tradition. Obviously the time has come, when we all need to rethink and moreover we need to handle smoking cessation with a much emotional and professional touch.

Article 2, Article 3, Article 4,


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